Transnational solidarities in the Balkans: migration justice worldmaking

The dissemination event of the TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network focussing on the event will focus on the Western Balkans migration route to discuss the capacity of European civil society actors to challenge the EU border policies from below, and their efforts to propose alternative narratives on migration, their joint work to build a European political space of solidarity. This event takes place as part of the Refugee Weeks in Croatia
The event, organised by the Institute of International Relations (IRMO ) and OBCT in partnership with Agitate! aims at disseminating the research findings of the TraPoCO Jean Monnet Network. Transnational Political Contention in Europe, targeting think tanks, the academia, and NGO practitioners, as well as local civil society organizations, policy-makers and other stakeholders.
The event will focus on the Western Balkans migration route, which has been largely crossed since the 2015 long summer of migration by people on the move striving to access the territory of the European Union to lodge an asylum claim.
Taking into account the research and experience in the field, the meeting will discuss the capacity of European civil society actors to challenge the EU border policies from below, their efforts to propose alternative narratives on migration, their joint work to build a European political space of solidarity, and their idea of care in a transnational context as well as the opportunities and limitations offered by the European space to build a Europe of solidarity from below.
The meeting will benefit from the exchange between researchers and human rights activists engaged in supporting people on the move and denouncing the violation of human rights at the borders of the EU.
The event will be held in person at Roda / Rodino (Gnijezdo, Žerjavićeva 10, Zagreb). It is also possible to watch the event live by clicking on this Zoom link or on OBCT Facebook page.
The event is organised in the framework of the TraPoCo project. The TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network comprises the Faculty of Political Science of the Scuola Normale Superiore ; the Department of Sociology of the University of Belgrade ; the School of Politics and International Relations and UCD College of Business of the University College Dublin ; the Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resources Policy of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna; the think tank OBC Transeuropa, and the NGO The Good Lobby .
The project TraPoCo is co-financed by the ErasmusPlus, Jean Monnet Action of the European Union.
This event takes place as part of the Refugee Weeks in Croatia.
Transnational solidarities in the Balkans: migration justice worldmaking
Date and Venue: June 19, 2023 | 14:30 - 17:00
Roda / Rodino, Gnijezdo
Opening: Senada Šelo Šabić, Institute for Development and International Relations
Introduction: Luisa Chiodi, OBC Transeuropa
Grassroots European Solidarity along the Balkan Route. Solidarity at the borders: Chiara Milan, Scuola Normale Superiore
Urgencies and emergencies of the Transbalkan tribunal for justice: sowing transnational and translocal migration justice movement: Emina Bužinkić, Institute for Development and International Relations
Solidarity bridges - everyday labor of border abolition: Nidžara Ahmetašević, Frontline Defenders
Intercultural mediation as a bridge: Uršula Lipovec Čebron, University of Ljubljana
Border Deaths and Solidarities: Marijana Hameršak, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in dialogue with selma banich & Women to Women Collective
Closing remarks: Luisa Chiodi, OBC Transeuropa
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Zoom link:
ID: 892 8771 8504
Contact information:
Rossella Vignola |
Event organised in the framework of the project TraPoCo. Transnational Political Contention in Europe co-financed by the ErasmusPlus, Jean Monnet Action of the European Union.