16 febbraio 2007

Dayton, un fallimento? 10 anni dopo la firma degli Accordi di Dayton un libro di uno dei principali esperti della presenza internazionale nei Balcani. Christophe Solioz analizza il processo di ricostruzione della Bosnia Erzegovina nella prospettiva dell'integrazione europea

Observing that over ten years have passed since the signing of the Dayton Accords (the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina) and yet disputes over Bosnia's self-determination remain unresolved, Solioz (executive director of the Center for European Integration Strategies, the successor organization of the Association Bosnia and Herzegovina 2005, a "research project on ownership enhancing strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia") asks whether it is reasonable to call Dayton a failure and consider strategic adjustments. That is the purpose of this volume, which seeks to identify the structural defects of the Dayton Accords and the European Unions Stabilization and Association Process, the centerpiece of the EU's long-term strategy towards the Western Balkans. He also considers the lessons Bosnian integration can provide for the wider project of European integration in the wake of the European Constitution referenda.

Christophe Solioz, direttore del Centro per la Strategia d'integrazione europea.
Turning Points in Post-War Bosnia
di Christophe Solioz
anno di pubblicazione: 2007
casa editrice: Nomos Verlag