The New Economic Governance prescriptions in the field of healthcare systems

Dopo la crisi finanziaria del 2008, l'UE ha introdotto un regime di Nuova Governance Economica che ha consentito interventi dell'UE in aree fino ad allora escluse dall'azione comunitaria, come la sanità. Il webinar esplora le implicazioni di questi interventi ed esamina aspetti cruciali per le prospettive della democrazia europea e dello stato sociale, come le politiche del lavoro e il ruolo dei movimenti sindacali
On Friday the 1st March at 12.30-13.30, we are delighted to welcome Roland Erne (University College Dublin and member of our Political Contestation in Europe TraPoCo network) to discuss the impact of the EU’s interventions in healthcare for European labour movements, democracy, and welfare states.
Roland Erne will present the work he published with Sabina Stan in the journal Socio-Economic Review on the EU’s New Economic Governance prescriptions in healthcare .
After the 2008 financial crisis, the EU introduced a new economic governance regime that enabled EU interventions in areas hitherto seen as a domain of national policy making. Stan and Erne explore the implications of this shift based on a contextualised analysis of the EU’s country-specific healthcare policy prescriptions for Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Romania.
Their study shows that the EU economic governance interventions in healthcare from 2009 to 2019 favoured the services commodification across all countries; and assesses the potential for transnational collective actions of trade unions and social movements triggered by them.
The webinar examines aspects that are crucial for the prospects of European democracy, namely labour politics and the role of labour movements in the advancement of democracy and social welfare at EU level.
The sociologist Devi Sacchetto (University of Padua) will open the discussion about the study’s implications for research and labour movements.
The webinar will be held in English.
Roland Erne, Professor of European Integration and Employment relations at the University College Dublin
Discussant: Devi Sacchetto, Professor of Sociology of work the University of Padua
Chair: Luisa Chiodi, director OBCT
To register please click here .
Contact information:
Rossella Vignola |
The webinar is organised in the framework of the project TraPoCo. Transnational Political Contention in Europe co-financed by the ErasmusPlus, Jean Monnet Action of the European Union.