After the 2017 Western Balkans Summit of Trieste

Luisa Chiodi, direttrice scientifica di OBC Transeuropa, interviene alla tavola rotonda e al dibattito dell'evento che si inserisce nel ciclo "Western Balkans Reflection Forum - from Berlin to London and the way ahead" dedicato alla discussione sul futuro dell'UE e dei Balcani occidentali


Ore 11.00

- Saluti: Ardian HACKAJ, ShtetiWeb Director at Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), Tirana

- Keynote Speaker: Mr. Sokol DEDJA, Director of Department for European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania

Ore 11.25 - Roundtable discussion and debate, between EU and WB6 Think Tanks and participants

Modera: Ardian HACKAJ, ShtetiWeb Director at Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), Tirana

- Tobias FLESSENKEMPER, Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), Nice & University of Cologne

- Florent MARCIACQ, University of Luxembourg & Centre franco-autrichien pour le rapprochement en Europe (CFA/ÖFZ), Vienna

- Luisa CHIODI, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), Rovereto

- Momcilo RADULOVIĆ, European Movement Montrenegro