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After the war, a human rights emergency in Ukraine

05/11/2015 -  Danilo Elia

A dramatic picture emerges from the new report on the situation in Ukraine released by the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights. Now that the armed conflicts have ceased, it is daily life that kills

Lights, Camera, Action - Welcome to Azerbaijan’s show elections

30/10/2015 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

With the lack of interest and competition, disbelief, and long tradition of manipulated election results it is unlikely November 1st elections in Azerbaijan will bring much change. More likely, they will only reconfirm the projections of results for these elections - one party rule on both presidential and parliamentary levels.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: tragedy in neglected mines

28/10/2015 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

Five miners have lost their lives in Kakanj, central Bosnia, bringing to fourteen the number of victims in this sector in the last year alone. Interview

A Balkan Odyssey

27/10/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

The flow of migrants and refugees along the Balkan trail is turning into a humanitarian crisis, with no recognition of the needs of vulnerable categories. Reports of violence by the Bulgarian police

Turkish judiciary seizes major media group

27/10/2015 -  Davide Denti

A week ahead of the general elections of 1 November, the Turkish judiciary has put under trusteeship a media holding linked to the Gülen movement – once an ally of Erdoğan, today among his enemies

Restless Armenia: before and beyond Electric Yerevan

22/10/2015 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Armenian citizens continue to show great vitality, now directed against constitutional reform projects. The story behind the "VOCH" protest movement

Georgia: the kolkhoz buried, the cooperatives are flourishing

20/10/2015 -  Monica Ellena Tbilisi

After years of mistrust, thanks to massive international support and political changes, Georgian agriculture has learned that unity makes for strength

Vukašin Obradović: critical media under fire in Serbia

15/10/2015 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Restrictions on media freedom are becoming more and more common in Serbia. Interview with Vukašin Obradović, president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS)

Bulgaria: the trafficking networks

15/10/2015 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

The government in Sofia has recently strengthened the laws against people-trafficking, in an attempt to strike the local criminal organizations who are finding in the migrants a new source of income

Belgrade, on the trail of refugees

13/10/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Belgrade

The journey of migrants and refugees from the Serbian capital to the identification camp of Opatovac, in Croatia

The Kurdish Storytellers

07/10/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni

The Dengbêj represent the collective memory of the Kurdish people, having resisted the Turkish government attempts to assimilate them

Refugees in Turkey, heading West

06/10/2015 -  Fazıla Mat Istanbul

Turkey is hosting some 2 million Syrian refugees, but won’t grant them refugee status. This, and the tough life they are leading, drives them to try heading towards Europe

Greece: Tilos, a safe haven

30/09/2015 -  Gilda Lyghounis

5,500 refugees, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan, have reached the small Greek island of Tilos in two years

The new wall and us: friends

29/09/2015 -  André Cunha (with Móni Bense) Szeged

At the border between Hungary and Serbia, a week after the construction of the new European wall. Fourth episode

Macedonia, the Refugee Emergency

23/09/2015 -  Francesca Rolandi

The NGO Legis is one of the few organizations working with migrants and refugees in Macedonia. An interview with Mersiha Smailovikj, one of the founders of Legis, provides a complex picture of the situation

The Balkan trail: Orban's wall

22/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Budapest

The Hungarian wall, on the border with Serbia, casts a first curtain on the Balkan Trail, forcing refugees to change course and head to Croatia, making their journey even more difficult. Seventh and final episode of our correspondent's diary

The Balkan Trail: resting in Belgrade

21/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Belgrade

Our correspondent continues his journey with the refugees crossing the Balkan Trail. For many, the stop in Belgrade is a time for resting after the fatigues of the long journey. Sixth episode

Balkan Trail: arrival in Preševo

21/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Preševo

From Macedonia to the border with Serbia. The refugees cross the border and head for Preševo. Fifth episode of the travelogue by our correspondent on the Balkan Trail

Business on the Balkan Trail: Macedonia

17/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Gevgelija

Dozens of company-owned buses wait for refugees at the border between Greece and Macedonia, to take them across the country, all the way up to Serbia

The Balkan Trail: from Thessaloniki to Gevgelija

16/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Thessaloniki

Before reaching the town of Gevgelija, Macedonia, our correspondent stops in Thessaloniki to discuss the refugees' situation with the Mayor. Third episode