
The MFRR Italy Mission, 4-6 April


A video story accompanying the Italy Mission of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, a 3-day of meetings with several Italian stakeholders, institutions and journalists

The protest of FNSI


Since the beginning of October 2021, Italian journalists are in a state of labour unrest: as the General Secretary of the FNSI, Italian Journalists Union, Raffaele Lorusso, explains, they have good reasons to protest against the Italian government and the Italian parliament. In collaboration with the FNSI, OBCT contributed to realize this video for the monthly newsletter of the MFRR, Media Freedom Rapid Response

Ghosts of Rijeka


The ghosts of two famous personalities of the Twentieth century haunt Rijeka: the Italian poet Gabriele D'Annunzio who occupied the city with his legionaries and the Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito. The video introduces the guided tour "Ghosts of Rijeka", available on the App Rijeka-Fiume in flux!

People on the move


Rijeka tells an emblematic history of movement and migrations in border regions. The video introduces the guided tour "People on the move", available on the App Rijeka-Fiume in flux!

Nicolas Kayser-Bril: Investigating the Instagram Algorithm


Nicolas Kayser-Bril, ​data journalist at ​Algorithm Watch, ​coordinated AW-EDJNet’s ​joint investigation on Instagram’s algorithm . In this video, he explains ​why the subject ​matters and how it could be approached, despite the lack of transparency of the algorithm. Data suggests that Instagram has a bias in favour of pictures of scantily clothed men or women – this has an impact both on creators’ business and on users’ views.

Clara Guibourg: COVID-19 death toll in European regions


Clara Guibourg, ​data journalist at ​Journalism++/Newsworthy, ​contributed ​to EDJNet’s ​coverage of COVID-19 with an investigation on excess deaths in Europe . In this video, she presents ​how she approached the subject ​starting from summer 2020, including the type and limits of the various sources. She also points at ​some of the most interesting findings of their work​, which was notable both for its scope (most of Europe was covered) and for its scale (data on excess deaths refers to regions).​

Ángela Bernardo: Mental Health and Covid 19


Ángela Bernardo, ​data journalist at Civio, ​coordinated EDJNet’s large investigation on access to mental health care in Europe. In this video, she presents how her team approached the subject and what were some of the most interesting findings of their work. Mental health care, including both psy​​chological and psychiatric care, is critical to the wellbeing of plenty of people, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic – yet access to treatment is not always easy, especially in the public sector.

Ornaldo Gjergji: Climate Change Down to the Local Level


Ornaldo Gjergji, data analyst at OBC Transeuropa, presents the investigation on rising temperatures in Europe that he carried out in the framework of the European Data Journalism Network (

Matteo Moretti: Design and European Data Journalism


Matteo Moretti, designer and founder of, explains his approach to journalism, with a special attention to visual journalism, interactive and responsive products, and informative experiences. He reflects upon the potential and challenges of data journalism in covering issues such as COVID-19 and the climate crisis.

"Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“. Day 1


More than 100 participants, representatives of regional organisations, governmental institutions and media have gathered for a two-day online conference on 11-12 November 2020 co-organised jointly by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), the European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in order to discuss challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans. Day 1