Newsletter Nr. 01/2021


Farewell Dragan

Dragan Janjić passed away on the night between 30 and 31 December. Journalist, bulwark of independent media, founder and editor-in-chief of the Beta agency, former deputy editor-in-chief of the Politika newspaper, vice-president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) and, since 2013, correspondent for OBC Transeuropa.

Over the last few years we have worked together, discussed issues and events, shared our views on critical situations. Last spring, during the lockdown, we spent evenings exchanging information and impressions on what was happening. He always had a good word, a smile, a piece of advice to share.

We will miss you, Dragane. Serbia and the world of media will miss your voice, your comments, your stinging tweets. You left suddenly, leaving everyone breathless. You will be remembered for your fight for freedom of expression, for a world more just and more respectful of human rights. We will remember you as a sincere and honest friend, a valuable colleague, and a keen analyst. Farewell Dragan.

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