Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso in danger

The first meeting of a labour dispute on the future of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso took place today in Rovereto, Trentino, Italy: on the table, the dismissal of a third of the employees, that would jeopardize a project built over the past 15 years.

OBC animates a wide community of hundreds of thousands of people who care about the European integration, citizenship rights and pluralism. It believes that knowledge sharing is a tool for the construction of an open and democratic Europe.

OBC was about to begin his sixth European project and is now in danger of being unable to play its part at local, national and international level. We ask the institutions from Trentino (Italy) to continue investing on quality, to not renounce to an excellence, and to reconsider the cuts undertaken.

We ask YOU, our community, to be vocal and to support OBC. It will help continuing together to narrate, and deepen an enlarged Europe, across its borders.

Please, subscribe our plea to Mr. Ugo Rossi, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento and to Mrs. Sara Ferrari local Minister for university and research, youth policy, gender equality and development cooperation.

You can help us by filling out the form at this link or by sending an email with your full name and affiliation to sostieni@balcanicaucaso.org.

Thank you for the support you have never failed to give us, in the long journey we made together.

The staff of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

26/03/2015 -