Nor Sunnies nor Shiites, heterodox Muslims of nomadic origins and mystical traditions: Turkish Alevis are estimated at around 10-15 millions against a total population of 70 millions. Enthusiastic supporters of Atatürk laicism, they were always seen with suspicion by the central authorities and the majority of the population. "The Lion and the Gazelle", a documentary film by OBC
Directed by:
Fabio Salomoni, Davide Sighele
Camera: Elvan Kıvılcım
Sound: Elvan Kıvılcım
Editing: Davide Sighele
Sound post-production: Carlo Dall'Asta
Music: fattoriadelvento; Aşik Mahzuni Şerif, Hűsnű Kızılgöz
Production: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (ITA 2010) 30* PAL-OBC MMIX-2
Languages: Turkish
Subtitles: ITA; ENG; TURK
Translations: Fazıla Mat, Mariavincenza Mattivi, Fabio Salomoni
Extra: Cem, the cerimony of the Alevis
Photos: Andrea Rossini
Graphics: Andrea Pandini
Info: segreteria@balcanicaucaso.org