
EDJNet's collaborative investigation on climate change in Europe

The European Data Journalism Network – promoted by OBCT – has recently published a collaborative investigation on the dramatic increase of average temperatures in Europe. The investigation results were jointly published in 16 countries and 12 languages, and were republished by more than 100 European media outlets

Croatia, 5 years in the Eu: tourism

Tourism has been growing rapidly in recent years and is an important sector for Croatia, producing almost 20% of GDP and employing about 7% of the workforce. The data in this infographic

Croatia, 5 years in the Eu: economy

Despite the gradual economic growth, the gap between the European Union and Croatia still remains wide. The unemployment rate has dropped, but the percentage of people at risk of poverty remains high. The data in this infographic

Croatia, 5 years in the Eu: demography

Over the past five years, Croatia has recorded a steady decrease of its population. The trend in focus

Media freedom in Turkey: 10 years of Erdoğan in power

10 years ago, in the special index relating to press freedom by Freedom House, Turkey was referred to as "partly free" with a result equivalent to 49 (0 indicates the best situation, 100 being the worst). Ten years later it became "not free" and the index rose to 71. An infographic

Deterioration of media freedom in Croatia: an infographic

Croatia is recording a generalized decline of the conditions pertaining to media freedom and pluralism

Inside Tbilisi’s Biker Bar 

A hot summer’s night in Tbilisi and the roar of motorcycles fills the air at the very end of a sidestreet running adjacent to the city’s Opera House.