The Europeanization of the Western Balkans

Seminario internazionale che tratterà il tema dell'integrazione dei Balcani nell'Unione Europea: le aspettative e la situazione attuale 

European integration is almost recognized universally as the key strategy for achieving peace, stability and prosperity for the all States in the Western Balkans.
However, the concrete perspective of accession to the EU appears to be far away in the future, due to the consequences of the economic and financial crisis as well as enlargement fatigue on the side of the EU and to slow or no progress in some (potential) candidate States.
Positive developments, such as the Visa-Liberalisation as well as the Belgrade-Pristina-Agreement, and negative ones, such as the recent violent protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina raise the question of the sustainability of a long waiting room-period. Which incentives for change can be used?


Wednesday 26 March

17:00-18:30 Seminar Opening
From "Brotherhood and Unity" to "United in Diversity"?

- Expectations, Foundations and Reality. The current situation in the Western Balkans
Luisa Chiodi, Director, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Rovereto (TN)

- Reading the Balkan ‘borderscapes’ in the post-1989 political and cultural discourses
Ivana Trkulja, Associated researcher FP7 'Euborderscapes'

Thursday 27 March

09:00-10:30 Panel I
Between Europeanization and Conditionality: The EU Integration of the Western Balkans

Chair Roberto Belloni, Dept. of Sociology, University of Trento

- Europeanization travels to the Western Balkans: enlargement, domestic obstacles and diverging reforms
Arolda Elbasani, Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Center, EUI

- The Politics of EU Enlargement Revisited. What conditions matter in the EU’s South-Eastern enlargement?
Dorian Jano, Lecturer, Marin Barleti University, Tirana

- Building Member States. The EU strategies towards contested candidate countries
Davide Denti, PhD candidate, School of International Studies, Univ. of Trento

11:00-12:30 Panel II
Sovereignty, the Rule of Law and the Role of Courts in the accession process

Chair Jens Woelk, School of International Studies/Law Faculty, University of Trento

- Viewers should not try this at home: Constitutional Courts in Bosnia and Kosovo
Stefan Graziadei, PhD candidate, University of Graz

- A Critique of Kosovo’s Internationalized Constitutional Court
Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, former Head of Economics Unit, ICO Kosovo

- The unbearable lightness of Europeanization: extradition policies and the erosion of sovereignty in the post-Yugoslav states
Jelena Dzankić, EUI Marie-Curie Fellow, EUI

12:30-13:30 Round Table
The Western Balkans in the Waiting Room: Perspectives?

- Roberto Belloni, Dept. of Sociology, University of Trento
- Michele Chiaruzzi, CERPIC FBK Trento, Univ. Of Bologna
- Jens Woelk, School of International Studies/Law Faculty, University of Trento


School of International Studies
Via Tommaso Gar 14 - 38122 Trento
telefono: + 39 0461 283150