Science as peace nurturer and nutrient

Luisa Chiodi, direttrice di OBC, interviene all'incontro organizzato nell'ambito della ventisettesima edizione dell'evento "International conference on yeast genetics and molecular biology"

In historical crises, the origin of political tensions has different roots and developments. Unfortunately, an ideal path for peace does not exist. The commitment to dialogue, however, promotes intercultural and inter-religious exchanges, which are often prerequisites for a successful diplomacy. For centuries, our ancestors have frequently used it to resolve conflicts of various entity
Since the dawn of human civilization, science has generated discoveries whose applications have led to progress, but also to war, just think of the TNT that opened tunnels between worlds and generated thousands of deaths on the battlefield. Yet, science has led to create a common language between cultures based on rigor sharing and communication. The ultimate nature of science is the production of knowledge and reciprocal understanding. Scientists' tools are observing, thinking, communicating and discussing. Scientific progress is made only through the questioning of certainties and the tolerance and interest in new ideas. The role of scientists in this process is crucial. Though most of the scientists is brought to dialogue, who, among them would be willing to deepen, without hesitation or suspicion, the arguments of others? This event aims to bring into light to an audience of non-specialists such a constructive interaction between men of science who live current crisis or stress. Over 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War, which saw many European peoples fighting in places where the event will take place, that opportunity has also an important fallout for political solidarity among peoples and nations. Our concrete solidarity towards those communities of scientists currently involved in conflicts is therefore even more important in 2015.

CARLO V. BRUSCHI, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

ANGELA LIBERATORE, European Research Council Executive Agency
SARA FERRARI, Provincia Autonoma di Trento
LUISA CHIODI, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso


Fondazione Edmund Mach
Levico Terme (TN)