Janine Natalya Clark è docente presso l'Università di Sheffield, Regno Unito. Ha condotto studi in ex Jugoslavia a partire dal 2002 e ha pubblicato il suo lavoro in varie riviste internazionali , tra cui International Journal of Transitional Justice, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Journal of Genocide Research e Human Rights Quarterly. Attualmente sta scrivendo la sua seconda monografia di ricerca, dedicata alla questione se, e in quale misura, il TPI dell'Aja stia contribuendo alla riconciliazione in Bosnia Erzegovina, Croazia e Kosovo.
Dr Clark is a lecturer at the University of Sheffield, UK. She had been conducting fieldwork in the former Yugoslavia since 2002 and has widely published her work in various international journals , including the International Journal of Transitional Justice, the Journal of International Criminal Justice, the Journal of Genocide Research and Human Rights Quarterly. She is currently writing her second research monograph, focused on whether and to what extent the ICTY is contributing to inter-ethnic reconciliation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo.
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