Articles by Gresa Hasa

Kosovo Elections: Kurti wins, uncertainties remain

13/02/2025 -  Gresa Hasa

The parliamentary elections in Kosovo outline an uncertain scenario: Kurti won but without a large majority. A coalition government now appears inevitable, with repercussions on political stability and dialogue with Serbia

Lessons from the student protests in Serbia

05/02/2025 -  Gresa Hasa

An analysis of the ongoing protests in Serbia, the skill of students in organizing the demonstrations, the differences with the protests of the 1990s and 2000s, and the possible risks of the absence of a long-term plan and strategy

Nell'Albania di Edi Rama si strumentalizza il femminismo

07/12/2021 -  Gresa Hasa

L'attuale governo albanese vede una presenza femminile superiore a quella maschile: dei suoi 17 ministri 12 sono donne. Ma dietro all'etichetta dell'apparenza c'è ben altro

What do we talk about when we talk about Europe?

23/05/2019 -  Gresa Hasa

Gresa Hasa, an Albanian activist of the Lëvizja Për Universitetin movement, explains why she feels European. Europe is, in her opinion, a moral concept rather than a geographical one