
Croatia: how much does fascist propaganda cost?


Why does the Croatian State should finance those media which offer fascist contents? Examining the case of Z1 television, H-Alter opens a discussion with media experts as Gordana Vilović, Hajrudin Hromadžić and Vjeran Zuppa.

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Metamorphosis - transgender beyond taboos


Transgenderism is still a big taboo in our society - in the rare cases it is a topic in Croatian media, journalists resort to sensationalism and superficiality. But mostly, there's only silence

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Novosti: "We'll not surender"


Nikola Bajto, editor of the weekly Novosti published by Serbian ethnic minority in Croatia, talks about the pressure of right-wing organisation “U ime obitelji” (“In the Name of Family”) on his magazine.

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The market, not the state


In the interview for H-Alter, Croatian Culture Minister Mrs Nina Obuljen Koržinek explains her views on local media circumstances. From her point of view, prosecutions in the cases of violence against journalists are imrproving on the proper way. Mrs Obuljen also announces drafting the new strategy of media policy in this year.

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Stronger than the public


Does the media system grant the right of the public to know? No. Elites are struggling to avoid the public scrutiny of their interest's sphere.

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Croatian cultural garbage


Portal hkv.hr is financed from the State fond for pluralism and diversity of electronic media although it permanently promotes hate speach and extreme right attitudes. Author analizes the content of this portal and biography of its publishers.

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No profit King Kong


The article analizes some statements of the new Minister of Culture Mrs Nina Obuljen Koržinek, that Subventional program for Non-for Profit Media, that was holded up by her predecessor, Minister Zlatko Hasanbegović, has been „in clumsiness“ with the State Grants Act. Conversation with non-for-profit associations low expert Mrs Vesna Lendić Kasalo, who is engaged as the head-master deputy of the the Governmental Associations' Office, shows that the Subventional program wasn't in disproportion with that Act, but the question is – are all the other main subventional programs that finance media work, (conducted by the Cultural Ministry, Electronic Media Council and the Zagreb City Mayor) realy accorded with the same Act.

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In the jaws of Erdogan


In Turkey, more than 110,000 people have been laid off, while 37,000 have been arrested since July this year - for alleged links to Fethullah Gulen whom Ankara accuses of organizing a military coup. We discuss the crackdown on journalists and the current state of media freedom with Turkish journalists Emre Kızılkaya and Erol Önderoglu.

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Digital (un)sustainability


Lack of finances, help and threats to journalists are the biggest challenges for local online media outlets in Serbia and Croatia, show findings of the research "Understanding the Needs of Online Local Media in Serbia and Croatia" which was conducted by Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation and the Association for Independent Media Culture.

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Are we asking journalists too much?


An interview with the Serbian sociologist Srećko Mihajlović which conducted an investigation on precarious work in journalism. Mihajloić shows how precarious work affects public awareness and democratic processes.

H-Alter: read the full article in Croatian