Blogs recounting journeys, adventures, projects and personal experiences. Curious and interesting stories written in the first person, so you feel like you're travelling around even while sitting at home. Check them out!

03/08/2010 -  Giorgio Comai








Bologna to Bucharest

In her blog kept thanks to the support of the Romanian Institute of Culture, Amanda Wilson will follow the journey of 5 Romanians and 14 Italians as they travel from Bologna to Bucharest through Timişoara and many other cities. This journey is the third trip to Romania for the sustainable tourism group Turisti non a caso. Amanda Wilson collaborates with Osservaotrio's editorial staff on the English language version of our website.


The Story of a Brilliant Idea

In this blog, meetings, feelings, border crossings, travel stories and some pictures. Letizia Gambini, Media and External Relations Coordinator for the European Youth Forum (YFJ), tells the story of “The Caucasus Triangle – youth, media and democracy in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan”, a project aiming at the realization of a documentary on freedom of expression in the South Caucasus, from the perspective of youth movements. The video documentary will follow the story, the life and the testimony of three young activists from the three South Caucasus countries.


Flying Carpets and Broken Pipelines

Arzu Geybullayeva, Osservatorio correspondent in Baku (Azerbaijan), shares thoughts and considerations about today's Azerbaijan, expressing her opinions, as well as her hopes or frustrations, regarding the political and social situation in her country.


Overcoming Negative Stereotypes in the South Caucasus

Onnik Krikorian, Osservatorio correspondent in Yerevan (Armenia), is no doubt the most active person in the English language blogosphere writing from the South Caucasus. Onnik is particularly active in promoting new forms of media as tools for conflict resolution. On his website, he frequently hosts interviews and posts by young people coming from territories in conflict with each other.

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