Defending the truth in a post-truth era

OBCT, socio fondatore dell'European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, partecipa alla conferenza internazionale in cui giornalisti ed esperti si confrontano su libertà di stampa, alfabetizzazione mediatica e utilizzo di fake news durante le campagne elettorali; 13 e 14 giugno

Do facts still matter? If this is not the case, what are we dealing with then? If anyone can win an election by distributing “fake news”, democracy is in danger. Media freedom is at risk already. All over Europe, journalists are intimidated, threatened and attacked, just because they are doing their job: discovering the truth. In Germany alone, at least 19 media workers were attacked in the past year. You can read this in the research report "The Concept of the Enemy II".

We warmly invite you to join us in Leipzig to discuss the recent developments with experienced journalists, fact-checkers and media freedom experts from all over Europe. We will introduce "elves" from Lithuania and their fight against internet trolls. We will talk about media literacy, fact-checking tools, and the use of fake news during the french election campaign.



European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Menckestraße 27 - 04155 Leipzig (Germany)
phone: +49(0) 341 20040313